My Lords being Sinsiable of the Grreat
Clemency Thave Received from your
Lordship, the Gentleman
of the Grand
Jury, Sr
. Joseph Hankey< no role >
, and Mr.
Aldrem ChittyI desire to return
My hearty thanks, in this Dublick
manner, but as Conscience tells me
Somthing farther, ought to be done
by meI Desire to be admitted an
Evidence, to Discover luck Perjury
and Forgerys, as have been Committ
-ed in ordr. to deceive his Majestys
Courts of Law and Equity, and
Defeat my fellow Sailors of their
price money, and also Desire I may
be Sent back to the Compter
forfor that purpose, til Next
Timo: Murphy< no role >