12 April
The Information of
Anne Ryland< no role >
taken upon
Oath this 12th: day of Aprill 1695
This Informt. Saies that on the 10th. of Marth last She was
goeing to Lowlayton
in the County of Essex
and was set
upon in the Highway between Stratford
and Lowlayton
and was Robd by John Parr< no role >
& John Coale< no role >
now Prisoner in
and others in their Company of Foure Gold Rings
Value [..] Fifty Shilling affire Tippett Value Twenty
Shilling a Porke Hand carther and Twenty pence in money
and further at prsent Saith not
Ann Rylend< no role >
Jur cor me
S Lovell Recordr.