22 Jan
John Brownlow< no role >
one Wainscott Table & Slands
parte of fower Buff Colour'd Tasity printed
one Large Looking Glass with Japan ALargeFrame
6 Cane Chairs.
5 feather bedds 14 Blanketts severall Ruggs &
1: pork mantis Trunk
Severall Prells of Linnen & Severall other Goods in
the Custody of Mr. Richd. Read< no role >
in Sr. Gyles Str
The Informacon of Robert Rickers< no role >
Richd: Read< no role >
taken before Sr. Thomas
Stampe< no role >
And Aldren and one
of his Majtys Justices of the peace
for this City & Libtyes Who Say
That they tooke the Goods above menconed
in the Custody of Marke Fenton< no role >
which Goods
are Sr
. John Brownlows< no role >
and were Stole out [..] of
the Sd. Sr. John's Brownelows house about two
monthes Since as they beleive.
Capt et Jurat 22 do. die
Janry Anno 1694
Cor me
Robt. Rickards< no role >
Richd Read< no role >