4 April
Dominus Revers us
Thome Tothall
Thomas Tothall< no role >
maketh oath that he thy deponent
was upon Sunday last taken by a Warrant from Mr. Justices
lyne whereby he this deponent was to appear this Sessions
at the old Boyly to cry an Indictment for a'misdemea
-nour there against him found which was a great
Surprize to thy deponent he being by habeas corpg
brought before last Hillary term before the Honble.
. John Holt< no role >
Lord Chiefe Justice
of England
and by him bound over for the same time that he
new glands Indicted of to appear the first day
of the said term in the Court of Kings
[..] Thy Deponent further deposeth
that he accordingly appearing was continued
over upon by recognizance to appear the first day
of next Easter Term in the Court aforesaid where
he wholy depended to be cry'd by which meanes and
by this Surprise upon him heysoe unprovided that he
hath Severall moterrall Wittnessas namely Lane
lenant Cath [..]
as namelyandMajor James
and Colonel pierce Employes whom he cannot possibly have to
testifye in by behalfe of he should be Cry'd
this Sessions they being now in the Country raising Re [..]
Jurat 4o. die Aprily
coramin Cur
Tho: Tothall< no role >