City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

8th December 1692 - 28th November 1693

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150040146

Image 146 of 23226th September 1693

she had two freinds in the Mint that made Counterfeit
halfe pence [..] and that she did or could putt off ten
pound a weeke of them, and when this Exaiant was
wth the saidsaidSara at ye Butchers Armes as aforesd
he pulled out a broad halfe Crowne to pay ye Recconing
but she would not lett it to putt away but kept it
and gave him 5 finall six pences for it, and at ye same
time she pulled out Eight pounds in broad money
& sent her sister to fetch ten pounds of Clipt money
for it

Exaint coram
J Holt

Peter Wallis< no role >

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