26 Feb
Wee the Grand Jury for the Citie of London having
observed and beene certainely informed that
Kilner< no role >
Thomas Burdett< no role >
Richard Hutchinson< no role >
the prsent Farmers
of the Markets within the
Citie of London
, have acted severall things illegally
in relation to the said Marketts Doe humbly
prsent to yor. Lordships and Worships that the said
Thomas Kilner< no role >
Thomas Burdett< no role >
Hutchinson< no role >
during the time that they have beene
Farmers of the said Marketts have erected and
sett up severall Shops and sheds within the said
Markets which they continue standing there
constantly to the damage and prjudice of their
Maties Subjects there inhabiting, And also that
the said
Thomas Kilner< no role >
Thomas Burdett< no role >
Richard Hutchinson< no role >
have during the time that
they have beene Farmers of the said Marketts.
extorted and exacted, and still doe continue to
exact and extort, from their Maties Subjects
using the said Marketts, unreasonable and
[..] unaccustomed Sumes of money for their
standings and places in the said severall Marketts,
and beyond what hath beene heretofore usually
paid for the same, contrary to Law and to the
generall prjudice and Greivance of their Maties
subjects using the said Marketts, and inhabiting and
residing in and about this Citie.
Wee doe also present the Grand passage or cart song from
ye East end of Thames street
leading to the East end of
Tower street
being a damage and prejudice to the
Arciding part of the Inhabitants of the City
and part Particularly to those of Tower Ward
reason ye Said passage hath not beene