Jan 10th
The Informacon of
John Terry< no role >
lodging at the widowe Clerks house
in Mares street
in Hackney
in the
County of Middx
taken before the Rt
Honoble Sr
Thomas Pilkington< no role >
Lord Mayor
of the City of London
one of their Mats Justices of the
peace for the Sd City the Tenth
day of January 1689
Who saith That about [..] seaven weekes Since being
on the Royeall Exchll
he this Informant
mett wth one Farrell who was formerly an
Ensigne in the late Kings Army in Ireland
who discourseing about publique affaires
did affirme and by way of argueing endeavour
to maintaine that his prsent Maty was a
Cheat which he did after this manner
Sayes he When the Prime of Orange
came over he Set forth in his Declaracon
that he came to prserve our Lawes but in
stead of that he has altered them but
heel repent it Hee meaneing [..] his
present Maty pretended to come to
rescue the people liberties & pperties