Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450240022

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Middlesex to Wit

The Information of Catherine Hobdy< no role > of Newton
Lane St. Giles's Spinter taken before me this
18th. day of January 1781

Who being upon Oath says that on Saturday Night last
Eleanor Mc. Cabe and Jane Vincent< no role > now in Tothill Fields Bridewell
came to this Informant at the [..] Bulls head in Newtowers Lane
That they asked her to go with their to the Lodgings of Ann Evers< no role >
now present to fetch her to Eleanor Mc. Cabes Room at the
Bank in Newtowers Lane where one of them was to pretend to
be in strong Labour whilst the others robbed her; but this
Informant refused to be concerned with them-Says that on the
first day Sunday said Jane Vincent< no role > came into-the Boot
Public House again and told this Informant that she was
afraid she should be taken in Custody, as she Eleanor Mc
< no role > and Mary Wright< no role > now in Custody had robbed Mr. Evers
but that she had received no part of the Money or Rings and
further added that Mary Lilley< no role > [..] was the person who laid
on the bed and pretended to be in Labour at the time of the Robbery

Sworn before me this
18th day of Jany. 1781}
Sampn Wright< no role >

Catherine [mark] Hobdy< no role >

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