City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1796 - 30th December 1796

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650090529

Image 529 of 67710th October 1796


Depositions of Witnesses taken at the
parish of Saint John within the Borough
of Southwark in the County of Surrey this
10t. day of October 1796 on view of the
Body of Joshua Cubbidge< no role > now here lying

Hugh Coward< no role > an Apprentice to the deced Joshua
< no role > of No. 2 St. Thomas's Street Southwark Cork
Cutter maketh Oath that between eleven & twelve [..]
oClock on Saturday Morning last Dept. having been out &
returned to his Majestys house afsd. event from thruer to a Wardhouse belonging to the deced situate in
Christopher Inn Yard in the parish of Saint John Sowark
[..] by one of the deced Men who asked Dept for the
Kept of the [..] sound
Dept.and having sternwent up the
warehouse Stairs & on going into the two pair of Stairs Room of the wards house he found the
deced hanging by a Cord fastened round a loose Beam
or piece of Wood usually used for weighing Cook by
Dept. Fell him that he fell cold & was quite dead. Dept
went down stairs & gave the alarmDept. and one Lake
anor. person retd. & went up Stairs. Lake cat the deced
down. that he was then quite cold & Dead that a
Surgeon having been cut for came & wild to bleed the deced
but no blood came from himDept. has been almost
seven years Apprentice to the deced.-Dept says the
deced has appeared to him to have been deranged lately
that he has appeared dull and at times melancholy
that he has not attended to his business lately as he used
to do-and that on Friday Evening last the deced. between
in an odd sort of manner while Dept. was sorting some
Corks so much so that Dept. then sayed to this Masters
Maid Servant that he thought his Master was not in her
senses.Dept. has really considered his Master in capble
lately of managing his business

Hugh Coward< no role >

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