Depositions of Witnesses taken at London
that is to say at the Parish of Saint Bridget
otherwise Bride in the Ward of Farringdon
without in London
aforesaid the 21st. day
of November 1792 on view of the Body
of Jane Danee new here lying Dead
Sarah Wife of Thomas Vivash< no role >
of Merge a Mill in the Parish
of Minall near Marlborough in the County of Wilts Miller< no role >
Oath that the deced Depts. Mother was [..] arrested some time back
and was taken from her Home last Wednesday Wack in order to be taken
to London to be surrendered by her Bail that Dept. having
received a Letter acquainting her that the deced was ill in the
Fleet Prison
Dept. quitted her home and came to London in
order to see her Mother the deced that Dept. arrived in London
last Saturday between twelve and one in the day and immediately
went to the Fleet
Prison that she found the deced sitting in a Chair
in a lower Room in the prison that the appeared very ill that
she complained of a violent pain at her Hea [..] that the deced
was and Woman aged Eighty years-that the deced got
were on the Sunday and on Monday Morning Morning about [..]
departed [..]
Eight O Clock departed this Life.
Sarah Vincaste< no role >
Mary Betty Elford a Prisoner
for Debt in His Majestys
Prison the Fleet
maketh Oath that the deced was brought into
the said Prison [..] last Friday Weekthat on the next day the deced
came to live in Dept. Room that she appeared very weak
and ill and could searce walk across the Room-that she
was an aged Womanthat she continued to get [..] daily
until Monday Morning last when she departed this Life
that Dept. took as much care as possible of the deced during
her illness.
The above Deposition sworn this 21st. day
of November 1792 before me}
Mary Betty Elford