Deposition of a Witness taken at London
that is to say, at the Parish of Allhallows
the Great in the Ward of Dowgate
in London
aforesaid this 27th: day of November 1792
on view of the Body of
William Gibbs< no role >
here lying Dead.
William Mark< no role >
of Swan Yard in the Borough
of Southwark
maketh Oath that between seven and eight
O Clock on Sunday Night last Dept. being on the Watch on Mr.
Good Child Wharf in the Parish of Allhallows the Great
something lying on the Mudneara little distance from the said wharf - that in about
three quarter of an hour after Dept. layed on [..] Piece of timber down
and went on the [..] Timber near what he had before seen
and then discovered into be a Man Dept. then [..] fetched
one Edward Walter< no role >
and returned to the deced and got the
deced on there to the fryar Public house where the body
now lays - that there appeared no marks of violence on the
body of the deced
Sworn this 27th day of November 1792
before me}
William [mark] Mash< no role >