An Inquisition Indented taken for our Sovereign Lord the King at London that is to say
at the parish of Saint Bridget at
[..] Bride in the ward of Farringdon
without in London aforesaid on the twenty first day of November
in the thirty
Secondthird year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of Great Britain
France and Ireland King defender of the faith and so forth before
Thomas Shelton< no role >
of our said Lord the King for the City of London
and Borough of Southwark
on view of the
Body of
Jane Danee< no role >
now here lying dead by the oath of
Robert Gorton< no role >
John Crabb< no role >
Fitzgerald,< no role >
William Barnnett< no role >
Robert Gage< no role >
George Pratt< no role >
John Hubbard< no role >
William Still< no role >
Joseph Adams< no role >
John Rowe< no role >
James Gannaway< no role >
Henry Hill< no role >
Arthur Hicks< no role >
, and
James Rogers< no role >
good and lawful
men of the City of London
aforesaid who being now here duly chosen sworn and charged to inquire for our said Lord the
King when how and in what manner the said
Jane Dance< no role >
came to her death say upon their Oath that the
Jane Dance< no role >
on the said twentieth day of November in the year aforesaid being a prisoner in the
prison of our said Lord the King of the Fleet
situate in the parish and ward aforesaid and being then
and there sick and languishing it so happened that afterwards on the same day and year last
mentioned the said Jane
[..] the prison aforesaid by the visitation of God and by no violent
means or manner whatsoever died a natural death In Witness whereof as well the said Coroner as
Robert Gorton< no role >
the Foreman of the said Jurors on behalf of himself and the rest of his fellows in their Presence have to this
[..] Inquisition set their hands and seals the day year and place forst above written
Robrt Gorton [mark] Foreman