T Shelton Corr.
An Inquisition indented taken for our sovereign Lord the King at London, that is to say, at the Parish of
saint Bartholomew the less in the Ward of Farringdon
without in London aforesaid an the twenty ninth day of November in the twenty ninth
year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third
by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith
Etc. before
Thomas shelton< no role >
aforesaid Lord the King for the City of London
and Borough of Southwark
on view of the Body
Elizabeth Austin< no role >
now here lying dead by the oath of
Nathaniel Street< no role >
Matthew brown< no role >
Joseph Hunt< no role >
, Walter Shutt Charles Dicon,
Thomas Ives< no role >
, Thomas Whitford,
George Thomas< no role >
Nathaniel Barber< no role >
John Nash< no role >
James Henshaw< no role >
Thomas Gill< no role >
Arthur Blackall< no role >
good and lawful men of the City of London
who being now here duly chosen sworn and charged to inquire for our said Lord the King when how and in what manner the said Elizabeth
Austin came to her death say upon their oath that the said
Elizabeth Austin< no role >
not being of sound mind memory and understanding but
lunatic and distracted on the Fourteenth day of November in the twenty ninth year aforesaid as the parish of saint sepulchre in the county
of Middlesex
with a certain sharh Instrument of no value which she the said
Elizabeth Austin< no role >
in her right hand then and there had and
held the neck and Throat of her the said
Elizabeth Austin< no role >
then and there did strike slab cut and Junetrate Giving to herself then and
there by such striking stabbing cutting and Penetrating one mortal wound in and upon the Throat of her the said
Elizabeth Austin< no role >
of the
length of five inches and of the depth of three Inches Of which said mortal wound she the said
Elizabeth Austin< no role >
from the said fivteenth day afd
November in the year aforesaid until the twenty seventh day of the said Month of November in the same year as well at the Parish last aforesaid
in the said County of Middlesex
as also at the said Parish of saint Bartholomew the less in the said Ward of Farringdon
without in London aforesaid
did languish and languishing did live On which said twenty seventh day of November in the year aforesaid at the parish last aforesaid in the
Ward aforesaid in London
aforesaid the said
Elizabeth Austin< no role >
of the said mortal wound did did and so the jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid
do say that the said
Elizabeth Austin< no role >
not being of sound mind memory and understanding but lunatic and distracted in manner and by the
means aforesaid did hill herself In Witness whereof as well the said Coroner as the said
Nathaniel Street< no role >
the foreman
of the said Jurors on
behalf of himself and the rest of his fellows in their presence have to this Inquisition set their hands and seals the day year and place first
above written
Nathl. Street [mark] Foreman