City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

9th July 1788 - 30th December 1788

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650010323

Image 323 of 46529th November 1788


Informations of Witnesses taken at
the parish Saint Bartholomew the less
in the Ward of Farringdon without in London
the 29th. Day of November 1988 on view
of the body of Eliz Austin< no role > there lying dead

William Timms< no role > Servant to James Butler< no role > of Cow
cross in the parish of Saint Sepulchre Middx Cheesmonger
makett oath that on Friday the 14 Novr. instant between 7 & 8
in the morning the deced who lived Maid Servant to be Master
came to the Shop door & Payed to Dept she must go out for she had
done what was not sit for her Master or mistress to see and while
Dept went to call his Master she went out Joys she had an
handkerchief lead [..] about her neck and Dept perceived some
blood in it. That about an hour afterwards Dept discovered same
blood in the necessary

Sworn the 29th day of
November 1788 before me}

The Mark of
Wm Timms< no role >

T:Shelton Corr.

James Butler< no role > of Cow Cross aforesaid maketh oath
that a time five Weeks ago the deceds Brother came to Dept
& sayed the deced was out of her mind and he did not know
what to do with her. That Dept desired him to send her to him
and as he left a shop that might divers her behind says he
accords came to Dept & Dept says was much disordered in her
mind & continued so until the time she quitted his House as
close related by Wm. Timms< no role >

James Butter< no role >

Sworn the 29th day of
November 1788 before me}

T:Shelton Corr.

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