City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

9th July 1788 - 30th December 1788

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650010307

Image 307 of 4652nd December 1788

Dept. thought to go down himself that Dept. and
one-Bell took hold of deced by his Arms and
Legs and brought him down Stairs to the Public Room
of the said Prison where a Fire is usually kept
and put him upon a Bit of a Baskett the deced
then appearing very ill and Weak, so Weak that
he could not sit upon said Baskett but fell down [..] to
the Ground-that then some of the Prisoner that were
there held the deced up and Dept. went to the
Turnkey in order to inform him what state the deced
was in-The Turnkey then came and looked at the
deced and sayed he would send them some Mulled
Wine to give to the deced-that Dept. went with the
Turnkey in order to get the Wine and to Mull it
that when he had Mulled the Wine he went into
the Room where he had left the deced in order to
give it to him [..] (the deced) that when he came there he
found the deced lying dead on the Floor.

James Dean< no role >

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