Att a Vestry holden the 27th
of Aprill 1698
Mr Tho: Cooke< no role >
Fra: Lee< no role >
John Lambe< no role >
Mr Depty: Woods
Mr John Richardson< no role >
Mr Edward Gibson< no role >
Mr John Goodlad< no role >
Mr Wm Ingram< no role >
Mr John Dawson< no role >
Mr Mason
Mr Rawlingson< no role >
Mr: Robert Parnell< no role >
Mr Henry Hanckey< no role >
Mr Geo: Stannard< no role >
Mr King
Mr Greening
Mr Pinckney< no role >
Mr Quartermaine
Mr Charles Michell< no role >
Mr Anthony Ferris< no role >
Mr Esekiell Hall< no role >
Mr Harvey
Mr Niccols Mr Lockyer Mr
[..] Mr Barker
Mr Hall & Mr Harvey chosen
Mr Lockyer excused this yeare
This Vestry was summoned Mr
Francis Lee< no role >
upper Churchwarden for the choice of Parish officers for the yeare
ensuing vizt Collectors for the poore Sidesman
and Churchwardens
First were putt in nominacon for Collectors Mr
Ezekiell Hall< no role >
Richard Harvey< no role >
Wm Niccolls< no role >
John Lockyer< no role >
Rich Hallum< no role >
John Barker< no role >
who being Severally putt to the vote the
choice fell on Mr
Ezekiel Hall< no role >
and Mr
Richard Harvey< no role >
John Lockyer< no role >
being first chosen and excused this yeare only)
Mr Holloway Mr Bennett Mr:
Mr Holloway Mr Bennett chosen
Then was putt in nominacon for Sidesman
Wm Holloway< no role >
Isaac Bennett< no role >
Charles Mr Mitchell< no role >
who being severally
put to the vote the choice fell on Mr Holloway and Mr Bennett.
Mr Lamb Mr Goodlad Mr Hall
Mr Bayley Mr Winstanley & Mr
[..] ley
[..] Mr Tewsley chose
Then was putt upp for Churchwarden Mr
John Lamb< no role >
Mr John
Goodlad Mr
Ezekiel Hall< no role >
Richard Bayley< no role >
Mr John Wm Stanley
and Mr
Thomas Tewsley< no role >
who being severally also putt to ye vote Mr
Lamb and Mr
Thomas Tewsely< no role >
were chosen accordingly
Auditors of Mr Lee's
[..] vizt:
Mr: Woods Mr Richardson
Mr Death Mr Mason Mr:
Parnell Mr Blackhall Mr
Stannard Mr Ferris Mr
Rawlinson Mr Shackle Mr
[..] son & Mr Hall
Audite day
[..] 25th next
Then was putt to the Vote the persons following to bee auditors of the
Account of Mr
Francis Lee< no role >
Upper churchwardens (Vizt) Mr Deputy
Woods Mr
John Richardson< no role >
Thomas Death< no role >
Mr Mason Mr
Parnell< no role >
Mr: Blackhall Mr
George Stannard< no role >
Anthony Ferris< no role >
Rawlinson Mr: Shackle Mr
Edward Gibson< no role >
and Mr Hall
who were unanimously Chosen and it was ordered that they or
any Fine of them should bee Sufficient to Audite the same
Account and the said audite to bee made on the Fine &
Twentieth day of May next