St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

7th January 1690 - 19th December 1711

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBMV305000254

Image 254 of 38612th July 1797

Mr Pinkeney Mr Speight Mr.
Mr Griffin Mr Child Mr Lyons Mr.
[..] Mr Grett Mr Ball Mr.
Doldron Mr Buck Mr Wood & Mr:

Mr Pinkney< no role > & Mr: Speight

Then was put to nominacon for scavengrs Mr: George Pinkney< no role >
Mr: Peter Speight< no role > Mr: John Griffin< no role > Mr: James Child< no role > Mr: John Lyons< no role > Mr:
Daniell Selfe< no role > Mr: Charles Greate< no role > Mr: James Ball< no role > Mr John Doldron< no role >
Mr: Henry Bucke< no role > Mr Abraham [..] Whood< no role > Mr: Robert Holder< no role > and
being sevrally putt to the vote the Choice fell on Mr: Pinkney and
Mr: Peter Speight< no role > .

Mr Cowley Mr: Tombes Mr. Pinkney
Mr Speight Mr Griffin & Mr: Child

Mr Cowley Mr Pinkney & Mr:
Mr Speight Mr Pinkney excused by reason of his
[..] 63 year & Tissickey

Then was putt in nominacon for Constables Mr: John Cowley< no role > Mr:
John Tombes< no role > Mr: George Pinckney< no role > Mr: Peter Speight< no role > Mr: John Griffin< no role >
and Mr: James child< no role > who being sevrally putt to the vote the choice fell
on Mr: John Cowley< no role > and Mr: George Pigney< no role > Mr: Peter Speight< no role >
But Mr: George Pinckney< no role > desired to bee excused which was Admitted
by reason of his Age being 63 yeares and tissickey for Constable

Mr Cox Mr Hodges Mr Snell
Mr Tombes Mr Pinckney &
Mr Speight 3 first chosen

Then was putt in nominacon for Inquestmen Mr: Edmund Cox< no role > Mr:
John Hodges< no role > Mr: John Snell< no role > Mr: John Tombes< no role > Mr: George Pinkey< no role > &
Mr: Peter Speight< no role > who being Sevrally putt to the vote the choice
fell on Mr: Edmund Cox< no role > Mr: John Hodges< no role > and Mr: John Snell< no role > .

[..] Councillmen
Depty. Woods Mr Richardson
Mr Parnell Mr Shackle & Mr:

Then was putt in nominacon for Common Councill men Mr: Deputy
Woods Mr: John Richardson< no role > Mr: Robert Parnell< no role > Mr: Thomas Shackle< no role >
Mr: Daniell Rawlinson< no role > And being sevrally putt to the Vote they were
Chosen Accordingly.

[..] tter pduced undr. the
hands of Mr Deputy Woods

Then Mr: Churchwarden produced a Letter under the hands of
Mr: Deputy Woods

London Langbourn Ward November 30th: 1697

Letter from severall
[..] men to this Pish

Whereas It is certaine that you or your predecessors Church
Wardens of the parish of St. Dionis Backchurch within the Ward
of Langbourne have before this day Received a considerable Sume
of money for Ward offices for many yeares past and Disbursed
it for the Parish use which is utterly contrary to the Law's and
customer of this [..] itty you are hereby Friendly desired to pay
the Deputy of the ward afore said betwixt this and the 20th
day of December next towards the defraying the charge
of Rebuilding the Engin house buying a new Engine, and
repairing the old one; The Summe of Twenty one pounds
you now your Predecessors haveing paid noe part of the
money received for the use aforesaid for many years
past for the particular use for the ward wee Rest

Your Loveing Friends

James Woods< no role > Depy:
Godfrey Webster< no role >
Edward Leman< no role >
John Cooper< no role >
John Marson< no role >

John Sweetaple< no role >
Ja: Foules< no role >
John Richardson< no role >
Alexr: Pollington< no role >
John Glover< no role >

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