the yeare ensueing (vizt) Scavengers Constables Inquest men and
Comon Councellmen.
Nominated for all
Ward Officers Mr Robinson
Mr Diamond Mr Marsh Mr.
Langley Mr Selby Mr Coates
Mr South whoe was exempted
paying £10 a peice £70
Then was put in nominacon for Scavenger Constable and
Inquestman Mr.
Matthew Robinson< no role > This name instance is in set 1509.
Richard Diamond< no role > This name instance is in set 1508.
John Marsh< no role >
John Langley< no role >
William Selby< no role >
Mr Thomas
Coates Mr
Humuphry South< no role >
& being putt to the Voate was
fairely chosen but desired to Fine which was admitted of
paying each the usuall Fyne of Tenn pounds.
Scavingers Constable
& Inquestmen Mr.
Goldney Mr Goddard & Mr:
Cox & Mr King
Choice fell upon Mr, Goldney
& Mr Goddard< no role >
Mr Goldney fined for all
Ward Offices £10
Then they proceeded to the further choise of Scavengers
Constables & Inquestmen & there was putt upp for Scavengers
Joseph Goldney< no role >
Martin Goddard< no role >
Edmund Cox< no role >
& Mr.
Thomas King< no role >
who being Severally putt to the Voate
the choice fell on Mr. Goldney & Mr. Goddard but Mr
Goldney requested the Vestry that he might bee admitted
to Fyne for all Ward Offices which was granted him
paying the like Fyne of Ten pounds
Mr Goddard Mr Cox & Mr.
King Mr Goddard chosen
Then was put in nomination for Constables
Mr. Goddard< no role >
Mr. Cox & Mr King & being severally putt to the voate
the choise fell on Mr. Goddard.
Mr Cox choose Scavinger in
the roome of Mr Goldney
Afterwards Mr. Cox was putt up for Scavinger and
Constable instead of Mr. Goldney & chosen accordingly.
Mr Hinchman Mr Quarterman
Mr Gould & Mr Powell
Mr Hinchman Mr Quarterman
& Mr Gould
Then were nominated for Inquestmen the Psons
following Vizt Mr.
Thomas Hinchman< no role >
Daniell Quarterman< no role >
James Gould< no role >
& Mr.
Thomas Powell< no role >
who being Severally
putt to the Voate the choice fell on Mr Hinchman Mr
Quarterman & Mr. Gould.
Comon Councill men
Mr Woods Mr Richardson
Mr Mason & Mr Layfeild
Then were nominated for Comon Councellmen Mr James
Woods Mr.
John Richardson< no role >
Thomas Mason< no role >
& Mr.
William Layfeild< no role >
to bee prsented to the next wardmote
who being putt to the Voate were chosen accordingly.
Mr Goddard< no role >
Mr. Cox} Scavengers
the same for Constables
Mr. Hinchman< no role >
Mr Quarterman
Mr Gould
Mr Woods
Mr Richardson< no role >
Mr Mason
Mrs Layfeild< no role >
Comon Councellmen