Mr: Edmond Cox< no role >
Mr: Antonyo Ferris< no role >
Mr: Joseph Gouldney< no role >
Mr: John Dawson< no role >
Mr: James Marriner< no role >
Mr: Patrick Oliphant< no role >
Mr: Edwd: Mercer< no role >
Mr: William Ingram< no role >
Mr: Joseph Hickman< no role >
Mr Martin Mr Lee Mr,
& Mr Belgrave
Choise fell upon Mr:
Martin & Mr Lee
Mr Martin a few &
had great losses was
excused paying £10
Mr Lee excused from
Collectors Sidesman
paying £3:
This Vestry was sumoned by Mr:
Edward Gibson< no role >
upper Churchwarden for the
choice of parish Officers for the yeare ensueing (vizt) Collectors: for the poore
and Churchwardens, Firstwere put in nomination for Collector
Phillip Martin< no role >
Francis Lee< no role >
Edward Mercer< no role >
and Mr Thomas
Belgraeve and they being sevrally put to the vote the Choice fell on
Phillip Martin< no role >
and Mr
Francis Lee< no role >
but Mr: Martin being a Ten &
haveing had great Losses was excused from being collector sidesman
& Churchwarden for a fine of tenn pounds and Mr: Lee was excused from
being Collector and sidesman for a fine of Three pounds.
Mr Mercer & Mr Belgrave
chose Collectors:
Then Mr:
Edward Mercer< no role >
and Mr:
Thomas Belgrave< no role >
was put up for Collectors:
and Chosen accordingly.
Mr Bailey & Mr Tewsley
Then was put in nominacon for Sidesmen Mr:
Richard Baily< no role >
Mr: Thomas
Tewsley who being putt to the Vote was alsoe chosen.
Mr Hall chose upper
Church warden & Mr:
Lee under Church
Then they pceeded to the choise of Churchwardens and Mr: John
Hall being next in course was put upp for upper Churchwarden who was
unanimously chosen and Mr: Lee being putt upp for under churchwarden
was chosen accordingly.
Mr Woods Depty: to put
up a monument: for his Lady
Afterwards Mr Deputy Woods Made his request yt hee might putt
upp a monument against ye wall on ye south Side of the Church for
his Lady which was putt to the Vote and carried in the Affirmative