To Goody Bull00-03 [..]
To Widd Palmer00-07-5
To Goody Martin Senr00-02-5
02-12 [..]
Att a Meeteing of Vestry holden on Maundey Thursday
being the 5th: of Aprill 1694
Mr: Thomas Cooke< no role >
Mr: Daniell Rawlinson< no role >
Mr: Thomas Shackle< no role >
} Church wardens
Mr: Deputy Wood
Mr: Robert Parnell< no role >
Mr: George Stannard< no role >
Mr: John King< no role >
Mr: John Blackall< no role >
Lady Harveys Gift
Att this meeteing was distributed after prayers & Sermon the
yearely Guift of my Lady Harvey being Six Pounds whereof the
Sume of £2: 10s: was distributed according to Will as foll To the
parson for readeing divine service & preaching this day £1: 10s
To the Chuchwardens 5s: a peece To the Clerke 6s: 8d & to the
Sexton 3s: 4d. And the Sume of three pounds & tenne Shillings
Remainder of the Six pounds was distributed as foll Vizt.
To Goody Martin£00-05s-00d
To Goody Wagstaffe< no role >
To Goody Bell£00-07s-00d
To Goodman Court£00-03s-00d
To Mrs: Palmer£00-12s-06d
To Mrs: Levistone£00-07s-06d
To Mrs: Parr£00-10s-00d
To Mr: Tisdell£00-10s-00d
To Mrs: Hammond£00-10s-00d
[..] out of the Sacramt.
Att the Same meeteing by Consent of the persons assembled
was distributed out of the Sacramt: money the Sume of Fifty
Shillings as followeth