Att a Vestry holden the 19 December 1692
Mr Thomas Cooke< no role >
Mr Anthony Reynolds< no role >
Mr Daniell Rawlinson< no role >
} Churchwardens
Mr Richard Brinkley< no role >
Mr John Richardson< no role >
Mr Richard Rudlidge< no role >
Mr John Holloway< no role >
Mr Edward Ames< no role >
Mr Daniell Care< no role >
Mr Charles Mitchell< no role >
Mr Jeremy Hurt< no role >
Mr Thomas Powell< no role >
Mr James Marriner< no role >
Mr George Stannard< no role >
Mr Robert Glassbrook< no role >
Mr Robert Jetter< no role >
Mr John Barker< no role >
Mr John King< no role >
Mr John Dorson
Mr Isaac Bennett< no role >
Mr Daniell Baughan< no role >
Mr John King< no role >
[..] fined for all Ward
offices 10
This Vestry was sumoned cheifely Mr
Anthony Reynolds< no role >
Churchwarden at the request of Mr
Edward Ames< no role >
who was chosen att the last
Vestry into the Offices
of Scavenger Constable and Inquestman and desired
he might be Admitted to fyne: And it was putt to the Vote whether he
should fine for all or for Constable and Inquestman and allowed that
he should fyne for all paying tenne pounds
Mr Barker fined for all
Ward Offices 10
Then was putt in nominacon Mr
John Barker< no role >
for Scavenger Constable &
Inquest man who was chosen and admitted to fyne paying tenne pounds
Mr Jhon Locker chose in all Ward
Then was putt up Mr
John Locker< no role >
for Scavenger Constable and Inquestman
who was chosen Accordingly
Richardson Comon< no role >
councellman in the roome
Mr Thomas
Then was putt up Mr
John Richardson< no role >
for Comon Councell man in Stead
of Mr Thomas who was chosen Accordingly
Then Mr Cooke acquainted the Vestry on the behalfe of Mr Wagstaffe
a pentioner of this parish desireing her pencon may be Augmented
being att prsent incapable of worke which being putt to the Vote it was
agreed she should have one shilling and six pence P weeke advance
to her last pencon which makes up four shillings P weeke as formerly
John Locker< no role >
Constable &
John Richardson< no role >