At a meeting of a Vestry the 21 December 1692
Mr Thomas Cooke< no role >
Mr Anthony Reynolds< no role >
Mr Daniel Rawlinson< no role >
} Churchwardens
William Phillips< no role >
Mr Deputy Woods
Mr Thomas Mason< no role >
Mr James Smith< no role >
Mr Anthony Ferris< no role >
Mr John Richardson< no role >
Mr George Stannard< no role >
Mr Nathaniell Higgins< no role >
Mr John King< no role >
Mr Robert Glassbrook< no role >
Mr John Blackall< no role >
Alderman Abdys Gift
Mr Parr
Mr. Brown}
£5 paid Mr. Parr
The Vestry was cheifely Sumoned for the distribucon of Alderman
Abdeys guift of seven pounds tenn Shillings Widdow Parr and
Mary Browne< no role >
peticoned for the five pounds part & the peticons
being read it was putt to the Vote which should have the
said guift & it was carryed by the majority for the Widdow Parr
which was paid her accordingly and the Sume of two pounds
and tenne shillings residue there of was distributed as
To the Minister & Clark£00-10s-00d
To Goodman Wiskin< no role >
To Goody Martin£00-03s-04d
To Goody Johnson£00-03s-04d
To Goody Kendall£00-03s-04d
To Goody Wagstaffe< no role >
To Goodman Coales£00-03s-04d
To Goodman Bell£00-03s-04d
To Goody Grigman £00-03s-04d
To Goody Bull £00-03s-04d
To Goody Smith£00-03s-04d
To Kendalls daughter as Nurse to her Mother £00-03s-04d
To Mrs Harris£00-03s-04d
40s Sacremt money
Att the same time Mr Churchwarden was requested
by the Vestry to distribute forty shillings sacramt money
as followeth