June 30 One Pair Shoes 2/6 one Pair Hose 1/2 0:3:8
Augt. 11 5 Ells Dowlas 5/10 two Yds of Baize
2/8 two Caps 1/. two yds Check 2/10
two Handfs: 2/
16 Paid mendg. Shoes0:0:2
Sept. 14 DoDo0:0:5
Decd. 20 DoDo0:0:4
Feby. 14 DoDo0:0:6
Apr:11 DoDo0:0:8
May 9 DoDo0:0:4
Paid Nurse Jackson for 6 Weeks
Board and Lodging from Apr: 26
to June 7th.. 1758a 3/6} 1:1:0
Paid Do 48 Weeks from June 7th
1758 to May 9th.1759a 3/.} 7:4:0