St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor Account Books

1758 - 1762

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBAC300070046

Image 46 of 369 1758

John Wylde< no role >

May 25 Gave him P assistance-.2..-
June 2 Paid for a Coate & paid Breeches-.9..-
3 a pair Hose-.1.6
July 20 Paid P assistance-.2 -
24 a Shirt-.3 6
Augt.13 a Pair of Shoes- 4 -
Decr. 7 Gave him P Assistance- 2 -
Jany. 18 DoDo- 2 -
27 DoDo- 2 -
Paid P Sumons P Lord Mayor- 1 -
Feby. 6 One Pair Hose 1/2 two Shirts 7/.- 8 2
Mar 29 Paid for a Coat, Waistcoat, Pair
of Breeches, a Pair of Shoes & a Hol} -.16 6
Cash Paid Nurse Jackson 12
Weeks for Board & Lodging a 3/.
1..16. -
Do for 5 Weeks Lodging-..5..-
Apr 26 Gave him to goe into the Country
not to Return until Michas}-..6 -
£ 5..-..8

2.18.2 Cloathg Etc
2.2.6 Cash
£ 5..0..8

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