June 3 a Gown-.7.-
23 Paid Jno. James, 1 Qrs Rent Due, 28th
May 6s.6d Deduck of 1s.6d that we over Pd
& Mr. Bragley}-.5.-
July 24 an apron 1s.8d 1 handkerchiff 1s-.2 8
Augst. 17 Gave her P assistance-.-.6
Decr. 9 Paid Jno. James 2 Qrs. Rent Due 28 Novr.-.13..-
1759 Mar 21 PaidDo1 Qr.Due 28 Febry-.6.6
Do 54 Weeks Allowance from
Apr: 27th.1758 to May 9th.. 1759 a 1/6
4.10.8 Allowce. Clothg
1.5.0 Rent & assist