Hary Glass in Workhouse
1795 s d
[..] ly 17 up CoatW 6..6-
Augst 15 ShoesW 3 -
[..] out of Workhouse
Augst 27 for Cloths 1£..1s1.1
Board 1.19.8
[..] 96
Feby 8 ShoesE 2.10
HoseG 2
June 9 Shift Hdkf
& Apron}
Weekly Pention
Augt 4 1pr. HoseG-..2..-
to buy Shoes-..4s..--..4..-
18. GownW -..9..6-..9..6
20 Letter have to
Buy Stays & other
Necessaries 10/6 & to
deduct out of Weekly pay 10/6}1..1..-
Decr 6 Gave her to buy Shoes-..3..-
[..] 99
Feby. 17 A pr HoseG -..2..--..2..-
Apr. 133 Yards FlannelG-..3..6-..3..6
Shift ApronW
May 15A pair Hose-..2..--..2..-
A pair ShoesE-..2..10..2..10
Let her have to buy Gown Shift a Kitchen Furnt:
Going to be a Nurse in Greenwich Hospital
NB had in Advance of Weekly pay-..12..-