St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor Account Books

25th April 1795 - 24th September 1798

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBAC300040045

Image 45 of 15124th July 1798

[..] ster Clark Pentioner
uly 9 ShoesE 2.10
[..] 29 Shoes 5 -
[..] 22 Shift Esther W 4 -
Thos. ShirtW 3.6
Richd. ShirtW 3.6
Elenor.. ShirtW 2-
Jas.. ShirtW 3.
Elizth. ShiftW 2.-
[..] by 20 Ester.. Gown &
2 CoatsW 19 -
[..] 8 ShoesE 2.10
28 Childs do E 1.6
7 HoseG 2 -
[..] ril 29 Ester ShoesE 2.10
Richd ShoesE 5 -
[..] Sundry Times 2..2

[..] ne 23 - 2 pr. Shoes for Boys E -..4..4-..4..4
Relieved her with-..5..--..5..-
July 7dowith-..5..--..5..-
1 Pair Hose RichdG-..2..3-..2..3
1 Shirt Richd 1 Shift
W -..4..6
[..] 8Esther 1 pr. Shoes E-..2..10-..2..10
Do1 pr Hose G-..2..--..2..-
gave her to bury Child-..16..-
29 Rd: Clarke< no role > 1 pair Shoes E -..6..--..5..-
Esther 3 Shirts 1 Shift
for Childn. 1 Apron 1 Handkf.
herself} W -..19..6..19..6
Rd Clarke HoseG-..2..3..2..3
22Rd. & Thos Do eaG-..3..-..3..-
Do & Thos Do eaE [..] & gave her-..4..-

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