St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor Account Books

25th April 1795 - 24th September 1798

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBAC300040037

Image 37 of 15124th July 1798

[..] Coombes in Workhouse & Sarah Pensioner weekly
[..] 15 HoseW 1.6
[..] 17 ShoesW 5.6
[..] 15 HoseW 1.6
[..] 21 PrivtW 4.6
28 Coat Breeches W 19 -
[..] 20 StockingsW 1.6
[..] 96 Sarah
March 7 ShiftW 4 -
11 Shift Shoes, Hose W 8.6
12 James, Shirt &
Cotton HdkfW 6.9
his Board 11.5-
hers do -.15.9

[..] 9 - 1 Pair HoseG-..2..-
23 - 1 GownW-..9..6
7 - James Shirt & Handkf WW -..6..9
[..] 21 Sarah1 pair ShoesE -..2..10
[..] 12 James 1 pair DoW -..5..6
13 doShirt & HoseW -..6..-
[..] 6 Sarah apr. HoseW
An upper PettycoatW}-..8..-}
Board James12..8..6

[..] une 7 Waistcoat Breeches Shoes W
[..] 13 Shirt Thick Hdkf. W -..6.9
1798 Coat 1 apr ShoesW. -.18.-
[..] 30 Sarah ShiftW
Sept 4 Do Shoes E 2.10
May 18 Shirt4..6

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