£ s d
1690 Brought over200:07:01½
Febr 20 For Sundry Charges for goeing be was and Hattfeild No. 40003:10:07
March 8 Paid
Stephen Slade< no role >
for the Fire in the Town of Morpeth007:02:08
Paid Goodman Plemmen being Sick000:05:00
25 Paid Nurse Fair Cloth in Full to Lady day No. 42013:00:00
Paid for A Thausk giveing Prayer for the Kings safely
att Sea
Pd Wido Harris for Looking to Wido Johnson 3 weeks No. 43000:06:00
30 Pd Jeane Mary full< no role >
for nurseing to Lady day No. 44001:13:00
Pd Sarah Jpsbey Nurseing to Lady day No. 45001:15:00
Pd. Wido Harris her Pencon in full to Lady day001:03:00
Pd Wido Johnson her Pencon to Lady Day001:12:06
Pd Rigett Naseby< no role >
for Nurseing and Schooling to Lady day001:17:06
Paid Wido Smith her Pencon to Lady day001:12:06
Paid Wido Rendall her Pencon to Lady day001:12:06
Paid Goodman Court his Pencon to Lady day000:13:00
Apr 2 Paid mr Jarvis in full to Lady day No. 47002:15:07
Allowed Sr. Robt. Jeffryes< no role >
for ½ A yeares Taxes as
Appeares by Receipt}004:00:07
3 Paid widdowe wagstaffe for 13 weekes Pencon in
full to ye 31st of Margt last att ye}002:12:00
Allowed mr Denhaw for Taxes as appeares by Receipt007:00:10
6 Pd Anne Beard< no role >
for Nurseing to Lady day No. 48003:10:08
Pd to the Poore the Guift of the Harrey
as p Vestry
9 Paid to Severall Poore out of ye Sacrant money as p
Vestry Booke}002:10:00
Spent att the Coffee in the [..] of Deputy Woods and
other} 000:02:00
14 Spent att the mitre after A Vestry for Choosing Church was
No. 49}001:10:00
Pd Mr Martin as P Bill No. 50004:14:00
27 Spent Wm< no role >
. Mr Tho Hind< no role >
when re [..] the Lady Harveys Guift000:02:00
28 Pd Mrs Elizabeth witty for A Surpladie the No: 51002:13:06
Allowed Jacob Parker< no role >
towards repaireing his Couse as & Note001:10:00
29 Spent upon Mr Henry Wilford< no role >
Allowed mr Wilford for [..] as appeare by wood atts Rec002:17:11
Paid Mr Endsly to Ear last as p Bil No. 52003:06:00
Pd Nurse Naseby< no role >
for Nurseing as by Bill No. 53001:17:06
Pd Mr Fuller to Lady Day as p rec001:00:00
Pd Danll Rawlington< no role >
in full To ye 19th night No. 55006:06:05
Pd Miles Whise in the Clarke as appeares by Bill002:10:00
Pd for Chaming the Church Plate 4 times000:04:06
Pd for Lres to and from reare000:00:06
Spent att ye mitre receiving money of ye Collector
No. 57}000:15:00
Pd Mr James Gould< no role >
for worked done to the Church
No. 58}001:10:00
May Pd to sundry Charges & burying francis Plannett No. 59001:01:00
Pd: Danl Quarterman for workedone to the Church001:01:05
Pd the Stent Cutter for meading the Church No. 61001:08:06