Continued Thursday 21st: Novr: 1793.
Reportand Apprentices might be made to obtain greater advantages
to at least four times the number if bestowed in Apprentice
Fees to the Sons and Daughters of poor but deserving [..]
parents who might (on the presentation of the Governors
in a rotation similar to Christs Hospital) be bound to
industrious Tradesmen and Artificers likely to keep them
above want and to enable them to get a livelihood on the
expiration of their terms and suitable rewards might be
added if necessary to encourage the good behaviour of the Masters
as well as Apprentices; by this method the Boys would learn
a greater variety of Trades, and be so much dispersed that
the irregularity of a few would not affect the remainder:
and the proportionable expence would be very much reduced.
But whether it is within the power of the Governors, whether
totally clear of objection, or whether a better method may not
be devised we conceive to be questions deserving fuller
In that branch of the institution which respects
the Vagrant, destitute and Criminal Poor, we meet with less
difficulty; because we understand that solitary Confinement
for a limitted time to a certain degree and with a moderate
quantity of labour has been proved by experience the best
reformer of the Vices punished by Houses of Correction but
as all the consequences of introducing such a regulation unto
the Hospital of Bridewell
cannot immediately be foreseen we
shall content ourselves at present with recommending to this
Honourable Court
FirstThat the House on the North side of the Quadrangle
adjoining the Mens Prison be fitted up and properly secured
under the direction of the Prison Committee for the Solitary
confinement and employment of such of the Male Prisoners
(except Vagrants to be passed to their respective Parishes) as
shall be directed by the said Committee giving the preference
to those who may be most likely to be reformed thereby.
SecondThat the House on the West side of the Quadrangle
adjoining the Womens Prison and lately occupied by the
Matron be fitted up in the same manner for the confinement