At a Meeting of the Guardians held
in the Workhouse
on Wednesday the 24th. day
of April 1793
Mr. John Smith< no role >
Wm. Baker< no role >
William Goles< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse
Reported that Joseph
Hathway< no role >
was sent to Nurse Varwells on the 20th.
March last Agreeable to the order of the last
That Samuel Jacobs< no role >
mentioned in said Minutes
died in the Workhouse
the 23d. instant
And that William Hockart Remains in the Workhouse
Also that William Golding< no role >
who was sent to Nurse
Rastins by order of the Guardians the 2d. April
1792. died there the 5th. instant.
The Master likewise Reported
That Benjamin Newport< no role >
was admitted into the
the 15th March last at the Age of Thirteen
That Thomas Hewlett< no role >
aged Eight years and
William Hewlett< no role >
aged Eleven years were admitted
into the Workhouse
the 16th. March last
Thatleasity a female Bastard Child not
yet baptised was born in the Workhouse
the Sixth
That Benjamin Cotton< no role > This name instance is in set 4750.
was admitted into the