St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

14th July 1767 - 13th December 1800

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAMO303010137

Image 137 of 2386th October 1790

The Master likewise reported that the following
have been admitted into or born in the Workhouse
since said last Meeting (viz)

Andrew Burnett< no role > This name instance is in set 4722. aged 5Years..8Months..9Days was admitted 24th August
Mary Burnett< no role > . aged 2..8..2DittoDitto
William Burnett< no role > Ditto 0..7..17DittoDitto
Lower Sarah Broomhead Do 3..2..26Do26th August
Mary Broomhead< no role > Do 0..8..0DoDitto

Martha Black< no role > burn B was born in the Workhouse 27th March
William Ramsey< no role > B aged 4..6..14 was admitted 2nd September
Mary Ann Pettitt< no role > was born in the Workhouse 13th September
Joseph Bergman< no role > a Casual was born and admitted 14th September
Susannah Deakins< no role > aged 3..5..0 was admitted 18th September
Elizabeth Deakins< no role > aged 0.5..5 was admitted same day

The Master likewise reported that the abovenamed
Joseph Bergman< no role > was delivered to his Father the 15
September last.

The Children now remaining in the Workhouse
were produced to the Guardians who Ordered
That the said

John Samuel< no role > be sent to Nurse Moore at Camberwell
Elizabeth Roberts< no role > Thomas Roberts Lover< no role > Sarah
< no role > and Mary Broomhead< no role > be sent to Nurse
Dave's at Plaistowe

Andrew Burnett< no role > This name instance is in set 4722. Mary Burnett< no role > and William Burnett< no role >
be sent to Nurse Pluckrow at Wanstead
William Ramsey< no role > be sent to Nurse Narwells at
Barking Side

That Martha Blackburn< no role > Susannah Deakins< no role > and
Elizabeth Deakins< no role > remain in the Workhouse till
next Meeting

And that Mary Ann Pettitt< no role > be delivered to her
mother at her particular Request

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