At a Meeting of the Guardians held at the
on Wednesday the 1st. day of August [..]
Mr Samuel Burstow< no role >
Mr John Smith< no role >
} Churchwarden
William Baker< no role >
William Coles< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse
reported that Martha
Kirby< no role >
mentioned in the Minutes of the last Meeting has
been immediately after weaned by her Mother was [..]
Nurse Docets the 25 June-last by the Churchwardens o [..]
which the Guardians approved of
Also the the following Children have been admitted
a born in the Workhouse
since the last Meeting Viz
Mary Williams< no role >
born in the House 11th. June last was
Discharged with her Mother the 6th July last.
Ann Prior< no role >
was admitted into the House the 21st. June
last at the age of Two Years Eleven Months and their
and that Francis Fuller< no role >
. B was born in the House
the 30th. June last and was Discharged with his month
the 25th. July last
Ordered That the said Ann Prior< no role >
be sent to Nurse
Rastons at Plaistow.