That Richard Spratt< no role >
was discharged with his Mother
the 20th. December last
That Frederick Bendell< no role >
and Thomas James
Bendell< no role >
were sent by order of Session to Saint
Mary Newington
the 31st. January last and
Tabitha Watson< no role >
by like order to Saint Saviours
same day.
That Harriett Pipler< no role >
Thomas and William
Hewlett< no role >
Cornelius Harragan< no role >
Andrew Burnett< no role >
Mary Hatcliff< no role >
Thomas Thorp< no role >
John Anderson< no role >
and Mary Williams< no role >
Remain in the Workhouse
And that Catherine Buru aged Eleven years
was admitted the fifth December last
Also that Mary Spratt< no role >
aged five years John Spratt< no role >
aged four years Maria Spratt< no role >
aged Two years
and the above named Richard Spratt< no role >
were admitted
20th December last and discharged with their
Mother the Thirty first December last.
That John Parson< no role >
a Bastard was admitted 28th.
December last aged Seven Months and discharged
with his mother the Ninth Instant
That Benjamin Robins< no role >
a Bastard was admitted
Tenth January last aged Eleven Weeks
Susannah Sheers< no role >
a Bastard was born in the
the Second January last and discharged
with her mother the 24th Instant.
That Catherine Preston< no role >
aged Thirteen years and
George Preston< no role >
aged Seven years were admitted
the 29th. January last
That William Cooley< no role >
a Bastard aged Seven
weeks was admitted the third instant and Sent to
Nurse Dows the same day by order of the Upper Churchwarden