and Nine Days And the above named Mary Broomhead< no role >
time with her Mother on the 22nd. May last at the Age of 1 year
4 Months and 27 days
And that the said Samuel and Daniel Hughs< no role >
were discharged
with their Mother the 28th. May last
Ordered that the said Mary Broomhead< no role >
remain in the [..]
House with her Mother it being her particular Request till the [..]
of the Workhouse
that the may taken her with her
At a Meeting of the Guardians of
Parish Poor Children held at the Workhouse
Wednesday the 19th day of July 1791
Present Mr. Thomas King Thompson< no role >
Mr. Samuel Burton< no role >
} Churchwarden
William Coles< no role >
William Baker< no role >
John Berney< no role >
David Steel< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse
reported that Mary Br [..]
was discharged with her Mother on the 11th of June last.
And that Esther Jebb< no role >
was admitted into the House on the [..]
said June at the Age of 1Year 2Months and eleven Days
That William Pearson< no role >
was admitted on the same Day at [..]
Age of 5Years 4Months and 29days
That William Davis< no role >
C. was admitted the 19th said [..]
at the Age of about 7Years
That Elizabeth Davis< no role >
C was admitted the same Day [..]
Age of 4Years 5Months and 21Days
ThatHarby B was born in the House the 29th said