St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

14th July 1767 - 13th December 1800

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAMO303010050

Image 50 of 23828th April 1772

At a Meeting of the Guardians of the Parish
Infant Poor at the Workhouse on Wednesday
the 28th. day of April 1772 .


Mr William Brander< no role >
Mr Francis Pearse< no role > } Churchwarden

Mr Deputy Robert Harding< no role >
Mr Edward Gibbs< no role >
Mr William Coles< no role >
Mr Philip Morgan< no role >

The Master of the Workhouse Reported that Sarah Culling< no role >
[..] mentioned in the Minutes of the last Meeting
still remains in the House as likewise William
< no role > and William Riley< no role > who at last Meeting
ordered to remain in the House till further Orders. An [..]
that John Ryland< no role > was discharged the House with his
Mother on the first Instant

Ordered that the said Sarah Culling be forthwith
sent to Nurse Harris at Barking side

And that the said William Baker and William
Riley who are recovered of the House which prevent
their being Ordered into the Country at the last Meeting
be forthwith Sent to Nurse Warwell near the
May Pole on Epping Forest

The Master Also Reported that since the
last meeting the two following Children have
been received into the House (Vizt.) William H [..]

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