The Master likewise Reported that the following
Children have been admitted into the Workhouse since
the last Meeting (Vizt.)
NamesAgeswhen admitted
William York< no role >
aged 4 years & 6 Months on the 3d: Instant
Thomas Evans< no role >
, B4 yearson the 17th. Instant
Samuel Smith< no role >
, B1 year & 4 Months, on the 17th Instant
And the said 3 last mentioned Children together with
Sarah Culling< no role >
who at the last Meeting was ordered to
remain in the Workhouse
till this Meeting, being brought
before the Guardians & Churchwardens & Examined were
forward all to be in good health
Ordered that William York above named be properly Cloathed sent as
soon as conveniently can be into the Country to
to be Nursed And that the abovenamed
Thomas Evans & Samuel Smith (having been Sent into
the Workhouse with their Mothers for Nuture, being
Bastards) and also the abovenamed Sarah Culling
do remain in the Workhouse untill the next Meeting