At a Meeting of the Guardians at the Work:
:house on Thursday the 5th. day of March 1778
Joseph Wise< no role >
Benjamin Kenton< no role >
John Hough< no role >
Peter Astie< no role >
Mr. William Brander< no role >
The Vestry Clerk laid before the Guardians at this Meeting
the Order of the Committee of the Honorable House of
Commons (appointed to Examine the State of the Parish
Poor) of the 5th. day of this Instant March, which had
been delivered to him Yesterday Afternoon.
Requiring That the Vestry Clerk do Attend the said
"Committee upon that day Sevenight at 9 o'Clock in the
"Forenoon at the House of Commons with the Minute
"Book of the Guardians of the Infant Poor in pursuance
"of An Act passed in the 7th. Year of the present King Etc.
"And that they do at the same time deliver into the
"Committee An Account in Writing of the Number of
"Children received under their Care from their Birth to
"Six Years of Age, & also how many of them have died,
" & how many been delivered to their Parents, and
"likewise an Account of the Number of Children put
"out Apprentice from the Age of 6 Years & upwds. And also
"a List of the Guardians appointed by virtue of the said Act