St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

14th July 1767 - 13th December 1800

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAMO303010039

Image 39 of 2385th August 1778

At a Meeting of the Guardians of the
Infant Parish Poor at the Workhouse on
Wednesday the 5th. Day of August 1778

Present Mr William Brander< no role > Churchwarden

Mr. Thomas Sabe< no role >
Mr John Hough< no role >

The Master of the Workhouse Reported that the
following Children have been sent to Nurse pursuant
To the Order made at the last Meeting for that
purpose (Vizt.)

Luke Robins< no role > sent 23d June last to Nurse Harris
at Barking Side}

Mary Robins< no role > Doto Do.
Mathew Germain< no role > B. Doto Nurse Rutland
Anne Knight< no role > Doto Nurse Fritter

The Master also Reported that Margaret Jenkins< no role >
who at the last Meeting was Ordered to be Sent to
Nurse Rutland has been taken out of the Workhouse
on the 14th. July last by her Mother And further
that the following Children have been admitted into
the Workhouse since the last Meeting (Vizt.)

NamesAgeTimes When Admitted
Robert Hogg< no role > 2ys:3Mos:4DaysJune 24th.
Sarah Pachall< no role > :B:born in the House July 1st:
Charlotte Walker< no role > This name instance is in set 1436. B:6:49th.
Elizabeth Yates< no role > 4:1:1418th.
Sarah Culling< no role > born in the House21
Tarmona Adcock< no role > This name instance is in set 14291429. 4:Augst. 5th:

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