Middlesex ss}
Mary Murphy< no role >
Joseph Murphy< no role >
who is at Present absent from her) maketh oath that she
was Married to the Said
Joseph Murphy< no role >
in a Romish
Chapel in the
Parish of St Catherine
in the City of Dublin
in Ireland
According to the forms prescribed by the Church of
Rome That about five Years ago She & her Sd husband Came
into England And about four years & three Months ago She this
Depont & her Sd husband lodged in
White hart Yard
in the County of Middx
from which Place She was admitted
into the Middlesex hospital
for the purpose of Lying in there
and where she was delivered of a Child named
Mary< no role >
Issue of this Depont by her Sd husband That about two
Years & three Months ago She this Depont & her Sd husband
lodged in the house of Mr Goodall a Victualler
in the Parish of St Botolph without Aldgate
in the
Sd County of Middlesex
where She was delivered of anothr
Child named
Elizabeth< no role >
the Issue of this Deponent by her
Sd husband both of which Sd Children are living and
Chargeable to the Sd Parish of St Botolph Aldgate
That her Sd husband (who is by Trade a Taylor
) never
(in England) rented a house of Ten Pounds a year or upwards
nor ever Served Any Parish office nor ever paid any
Poors Rates or Kings Taxes nor ever did any Act to
gain a Settlement there.
Sworn this. 23. day of
October 1786
R Davies
Mary Murphy< no role >