Middlesex ss}
Margaret Mc Colley< no role >
the widow
Patrick Mc Colley< no role >
deced maketh oath that She was
married to her Sd late husband at the Fleet
and She Can
give no Account respecting his Settlement nor Can
She give any Account touching the Settlement of
her late Father
Richard Chaplin< no role >
deced That about
thirty five Years Ago as She now best remembers
her late Mother
Jane< no role >
Chaplin deced lived in and
rented a Publick house known by the
Sign of the
in Pear Tree Alley near Sir William
Warrens Square
in the Parish of St John Wapping
in the Said County and during Such her Residence
therein which was Several years She was Charged
to And Paid Kings Taxes for the Same She this Dept
having been present When the Collector of Such
Tax came and demanded the Same of her Sd Mother
That her Said Mother did not afterwards do Any
Act to gain a Settlement elsewhere & She this Depont
lived in the Sd house with her Mother as part of her
Family That She this Deponent never was bound
an Apprentice nor ever lived as a hired Servant for
the Space of a year nor ever did Any Act to gain a
Settlement in her own right Save what She may
have Acquired by her Marriage That She has been
Several times relieved by the Parish officers of
as being the Place of her legal Settlement
Sworn this. 9. day of Novr
R Davies Robt: Smith< no role >
The Mark of
Margaret [mark] Mc Colley< no role >