St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

21st November 1785 - 13th January 1787

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAEP103220074

Image 74 of 11121st 1786

Middlesex ss}

John Covey< no role > maketh oath that he was
heretofore duly bound Apprentice from Christs hospital
to James Whaley< no role > of the Parish of St Botolph without
Aldgate in the Sd County Sadler and Collar maker for
the Term of Seven Years and after having Served his
said Master there for about the Space of four years
and half And his Said Master becoming insolvent
in his Circumstances his Said Master gave him the
residue of his time & the Indentures were Exchanged
and delivered up And this Deponent was discharged from
his Sd Apprenticeship and at Liberty to go wheresoever
he Pleased and never afterwards returned into the
Service of his Sd Master That this Deponent has not
Since rented a house of Ten Pounds a year or upwards
or Served Any Parish office or Paid any Poors Rates
or Kings Taxes or done any Act to his Knowledge or
belief to gain a subsequent Settlement That he hath a
wife named Ann< no role > and two Children namely John< no role >
Aged about Fourteen Years and two Months and
James< no role > aged about Eleven Years & three quarters
of a year the lawful Issue of this Deponent by his
Said Wife to whom he was lawfully married neither
of Which Children have as yet done any Act to gain a
Settlement for themselves

Sworn this 21st. day of
October 1786 before
R Davies

John Covey< no role >

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