Middlesex ss
Margaret Berkly< no role >
oath that she was heretofore hired & lived as a hired Servant
& with
Robert Garrick< no role >
Burr Street
in the Parish of St
Botolph without Aldgate
in the Sd County Taylor
at Certain
Wages & Continued in Such Service under Such hiring
for the Space of Thirteen Months That She has not
Since lived as a hired Servant for the Space of a year
in any one place nor was She ever Married nor hath
She done any Act to gain a Subsequent Settlement
That She this Deponent is now with Child and that
one Mr Goodman a Surgeon
late of Devonshire Square
in the sd County is the Father of the Said Child of
which She is now Pregnant And this Deponent has
been informed & which information She verily believes
to be true that he the Said Mr Goodman died at
Easter last past.
Sworn this. 6. day
of July 1786
R Davies
The Mark of
Margaret [mark] Berkly< no role >