St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

21st November 1785 - 13th January 1787

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAEP103220063

Image 63 of 1117th August 1786

Middlesex ss}

Mary Fairlam< no role > a Singlewoman maketh
oath that divers Years ago She was hired & lived as a
Yearly hired Servant by & with Mr Willis a Merchant
in Savage Gardens in the Parish of St Olave in Hart Street
in the City of London at Certain Yearly Wages and
Continued in such service there under such hiring
for the Space of Eighteen Months That She has not since
lived as a hired Servant for the Space of a Year elsewhere
nor was She ever Married nor hath she done
Any Act Since such her servitude as aforesaid
to gain a Settlement for herself elsewhere.

Sworn this. 7. day of
August 1786 before
R Davies J. Hawley

The Mark of
Mary [mark] Fairlam< no role >

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