Middlesex ss}
John Cotsford< no role >
maketh oath that he
heretofore rented a house at the Yearly Rent of Ten
Pounds of Mr
Thomas Daplin< no role >
Mile End Road
the Parish of Saint Matthew Bethnal Green
in the
Said County & resided thereon for about the Space
of three Months That he has not Since rented a house
of the yearly Rent of Ten Pounds a year or upwards
or Served any Parish Office or Paid any Poors Rates
or Kings Taxes or done any Act to gain a subsequent
Settlement That he hath five Children namely
John< no role >
Aged about thirteen Years
Jane< no role >
aged about
Eleven Years
Robert< no role >
Aged about nine years
Benjn< no role >
Aged about Seven Years &
Thomas< no role >
Aged about
four Years the lawful Issue of this Deponent by
his late wife deced to whom he was lawfully
Sworn this. 26. day
of May 1786
J. Hawley Robt. Smith< no role >
John Cotsford< no role >