Middlesex ss}
William Bull< no role >
maketh oath that he
heretofore was duly bound Apprentice by Indenture
to and Served the whole of his Apprenticeship with
Percival< no role >
Swallow Street
in the Parish of St George
Hanover Square in Westminster
in the Sd County Shoemaker
That he has not Since rented a house of the yearly rent or
Value of Ten Pounds or Served any Parish Office or Paid
any Poors Rates or Kings Taxes or done any Act to gain a
Subsequent Settlement That he hath a wife
Elizabeth< no role >
and two Children namely
Mary< no role >
aged about Six Years and
Ann< no role >
Aged about three Months the lawful Issue of this Depont
by his Said Wife to whom he this Deponent was
lawfully married
Sworn this. 4. day of
May 1786
R Davies J. Hawley
William Bull< no role >