The Particular Account of the Receiveings and Disbursements of Thomas Ackland< no role >
Upper Church
-Warden of the Freedom part of the parish of St. Botolph without Aldgate
London Anne
Domini 1735
Receivings & Wards Rents
£ S D
Reced of Mr.
John Stuart< no role >
for one Years Ground Rent for a House in the Minories
due Lady Day. 1736
10 - -
Do. of Mr. Charles Reynolds< no role >
Executors for one Years Ground Rent for a House in Aldgate
High Street
due Do.20 - -
Do. of Do. for one of the Little Shops2 - -
Do. of Mr. John Blake< no role >
for one Years Rent of the Little Shops due Do.10 - -
Do. of Mr.
John Crowder< no role >
for one Years Rent for his Shops Under Sir
John Cass< no role >
Charity School
30 - -
Do. of Mr. John Pepyat< no role >
Exr. of Mr. Deacon one Years Rent due Do.25 - -
Do. of Mr.
William Wynne< no role >
for one Years Ground Rent of premisses in London
Prentice Yard due Do
17 - -
Do. of Mr. Bourne for one Years Rent for the Watch-house
due Do- 15 -
Do. of Mr. Thomas Groves< no role >
for one Years Rent for the Pall10 - -
Do. of the Tenants for the Houses in Still Alley5 15 -
130 10 -
Receivings & Donations
. Cooches Gift from Christs Hospital5 - -
Mr. Say's Do.1 - -
Mr. Dumbs Do. by Mr. Harrison5 - -
Messrs. Price and Owen by Mr. Boulton9 4 -
John Fenner< no role >
's Gift from Ipswich
4 10 9
. Webster's Gift (in Nobles)6 - -
Mr. Friend's Gift from Croydon by Mr. Alderton9 - -
Esqr Webster's Gift Nobles6 13 4
Reced by Commission Money4 10 4¾
Do. for the precept Issued out Colesby Mr. Darby Beadle6 13 -
Received of Mr. John Mitchell< no role >
late Master of the Workhouse
for a woman and her
Child kept there1 11 6
59 2 11¾
Receivings P Fines
Reced of Mr. John Phillips< no role >
being his Fine for Overseer Renter and Upper Church-Warden 12 - -
Do. of Mr. George Markham< no role >
for Do12 - -
Do. of Mr. Bytes White for Do12 - -
Do. of Mr. Goodman being his Fine for Overseer for Houndsditch precinct
5 - -
Do. of Mr. Benford for Do.5 - -
Do. of Mr. Davin for high street
precinct5 - -
Do. of Mr. Badham for Tower hill
precinct5 - -
56 - -