Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010489

Image 489 of 5007th June 1695

Leaving the same which is Ordered accordingly And this Court
considering That the said John Long< no role > hath allwayes behaved
himselfe very well & wth. great deference to the governmt: of this
Hospll & hath accquired therein a very plentifull Estate Doe in
respect thereof & for Encouragemt: to the Artsmars: of the said Hospll:
Order That when the said Mr: Long has left the same a Staff be
sent to him to be a Governr: of these Hosplls.

Samll: Steers< no role >

Alsoe upon the humble Peticon of Samll: Steers< no role > one
of the Beadles of the Hospll: of Bethlem who has beene for
severall Moneths very ill & reduced to a very Weake and
low Condicon & has not in all that time put the Hospll to the
least charge of this sicknesse but been supported by the Labor:
of his wife for the charity of this Court for his prsent support &
that he may be continued in his Employmt: This Court doth
Order That Mr Trear doe give & pay him £5 as a Free gift and
gratuity of this Court And That he remaine in this Employment
till Michas next to see whither he be able to undergoe & manage
the same att wch: time this Court will further consider the same

Richd: Peach< no role >
to Bethlem on

Alsoe upon the humble Peticon of Richard Peach< no role > Owner
for the place of one of the Beadles of the said Hospll: of Bethlem
in the roome of Richard Mills< no role > who by reason of his age and
weaknesse is leaving the same And this Court receiving a
good account of the Peticoner Itt is Ordered That he be received
on Tryall till Michas next att wch: time the said Mills is to
Leave the said Hospll: And then this Court will further consider

George King< no role >
att 2s:6d

Alsor upon the humble Peticon of Eliz: King< no role > Widdow
for some mittigacon of the Weekely paymt: of 5s for George
< no role > her son a poore Lunatick in the Hospll of Bethlem he
haveing nothing of his own but kept att the Peticonrs: charge
who is noe longer able to beare the sames. Itt is Ordered by this
Court That security being given for the paymt: of 2s.6d a
Weeke for the future That then the same Shall be received
and the bond for paymt: of 5s a Weeke be delivered up to be

Stewds: Elected

Alsoe att this Court the Governrs : hereafter named Vizt.
Mr Comon Serjt: Sr : Cha: Gerrard< no role > Ralph Hawtrye< no role > Esqr Peter
< no role > Esqr Mr: Mitton Mr: John Cooke< no role > Mr. John West< no role > Mr Empson
Stephen Beckingham< no role > Esqr Mr Nott Mr. Fitzgerrald Mr Oistin
were Elected Stewards for the next [..] day of these Hospll:

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