Also Upon the humble Peticon of John Bragnier< no role >
of the French Congregacon
in ye Savoy in behalfe of the sd. congregacon
for Some mittigacon of the weekly Paymt. of Five Shillings
a peice for the keeping of John Juvenell< no role >
Margtt. Monchett< no role >
and John Perrier< no role >
poor Lunaticks
in the Hospll. of
Bethlem Considering the great increase of poor to the
Said Congregation amounting to 5 or 6000 [..] wch. are
maintained only by the Petitrs. without Charge to any
parish & for wch. the sd. Congregation have run many
hundred pounds in Debt which beingandConsidered
by this Court and that this Case is not the Same wth: parishes
Security to be given
for 3s. P Weeke be for
Patients in Bethlem
It is Ordered by this Court that Security being given
for the paymt. of three Shillings a weeke a peece for
their keeping there for the future That then the Same
Shall be accepted and the Severall bonds for paymt. of 5s.
a weeke a peice for the sd. Lunatickes be delivered up to be
Security to be given
for 3s P Weeke for Sarah
Belsham< no role >
in Bethlem
Also upon the humble Peticon of
Jonath Robinson< no role >
for Some mittigacon of the weeky paymt. of Five Shillings
for the keeping of
Sarah Belsham< no role >
a poor Lunatick
the Hospll. of Bethlem She being there maintained by
two of her Brothers who are but in Low Condicon one
of them keeping an Alehouse and the other a Small
private Schoole at Felstead
in Essex
who are not able
to undergoe but since under the said Charge of 5s. a weeke
It is Ordered by this Court that Security being given to
pay Three Shillings a weeke for her keeping there for
the future That then the Same Shall be accepted and
the bond for paymt. of 5s. a weeke be delivered up to be
boy putt Apprce
Also It is Ordered That
John Browne< no role >
be putt
at Sr. Cane James's nominacon
Walter Powell< no role >
Gave £10
Also upon the humble Peticon of
Walter Powell< no role >
(who was brought up Apprentice
Frost< no role >
(late one of the Artsmrs
. of this
Hospll.) and Since made a Freeman of this Citty by
the approbaon of this Court, and who by the favour
of the same Court was lately admitted an Artsmaster
of this Hospll. where he is Sett up in his Said Trade)