Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010472

Image 472 of 5005th April 1695

Ursula Harry< no role > P Warrt: of Lord Maior charged for a Pson of
a Lewd life and conversacon & for want of Sureties

John Dickinson< no role >
Richard Henry< no role > }
charged by Mr Wharton a Goldsmith near
Charing Cross for breaking his Glass and takeing
out Two Guineys
To Labr.

To Labr

John Barr< no role >

dd to Ye: Capt: who Lested him

Solomon Todd< no role > }
taken in an ill house in Salisbury Court last night


Langley Lee< no role >
Will: Howell< no role >
Wm: Smith< no role >
Richd: Emphrey< no role > }


Kartherine Dickinson< no role >
Mary Downes< no role > } }
Taken last night in an ill house in
Salisbury Court .

Beadles & Porters
mans Gratuities

Upon the humble Peticon of the Four Beadles &
Porters man of the Hospll of Bridewell for their usuall
gratuities of Twenty Shillings a piece in respect of the halfe
yeare ending att Lady day last & alsoe for twenty Shillings
a piece more to buy them Coales for that Coales & alsoe all
manner of Provicons continue very Deare & they have
all Families to maintaine This Court upon consideracon
of the Premises Doth think fitt & Soe Order That Mr Trear
doe give & pay unto them Twenty Shillings a piece for
their usuall gratuities & alsoe Twenty Shillings a piece
more to buy them Coales to be allowed Mr Trear in his next

Beadles of Bethlems

Alsoe upon the humble Peticon of the Three Beadles or
Baskettmen of the Hospll. of Bethlem for the usuall
gratuities of Twenty Shillings a piece given them by this
Court in respect of the halfe yeare ending att Lady day last
Itt is Ordered by this Court That Mr Trear doe give & pay
unto each of them Twenty Shillings to be allowed Mr Trear
in his next accompt

Fras. Pearman< no role > put
Apprce .

Alsoe Itt is ordered That Francis Pearman< no role > a poore Boy
be placed out Apprentice in Bridewell Hospll att the
nominacon of Edward Bettison< no role > Esqr .

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